“Only do what your heart tells you.”

March 9th Edition


Good morning Gym Bros! No time for pleasantries today, we have work to do don't we? Get out of bed and go to the gym! Here's today's mission, if you choose to accept the challenge: 

  • Listen to your heart, it's pretty smart too.

  • Workout of the Week: Quick But Effective Glute Workout

  • Let's get those biceps huge!

  • A compilation of social media posts from Gym-Bros all around the world

Sounds good? Then let's get started shall we?

Your daily dose of motivation!

"Only do what your heart tells you."- Princess Diana 

"The heart wants what it wants." If you're not happy and your heart tells you to do something else, listen to it. Your heart knows what's best for you, it's your brain that brings in the fear and doubt. 

Now take a quick 5 minutes of your day to give this video a listen. So, what are you waiting for ? Get shit done!

Workout of the Week

Quick But Effective Glute Workout 

Yup, this week you’ll have to train your glutes. Your gymbros will thank us when you’ll get that muscly cake you’ve been working on with this workout. This workout is shorter so it’s easier to incorporate in your routine! As you know, it is important to balance your muscle mass between your upper and lower body, if you don’t, you’ll look weird, and that, you don’t want! To maximize your physique, do yourself a favour and execute this workout at least once!   

Warm Up

  • Climb 200 stairs on the stair machine of your local gym. 

Section one

  • 10 to 12 reps of cable kickbacks

  • 1 min rest

  • 10 reps of bodyweight squats

Repeat 3 times

Section two

  • 10 reps of hip thrusts with a barbell or a machine

  • 2 mins rest

  • 8 to 12 reps of bodyweight lunges

  • 3 mins rest

  • 6 Bulgarian split squats

Repeat 4 times

Now Let's get to Work!

Cable Curl With Bar

The cable curls variant with a bar is an insane bicep exercise. In order to perform this exercise at its best and get the maximum results, you’ll want to lift a weight which you’ll be able to lift without losing on your form. It’s very important to keep a good form and to keep your elbows stable through all of the exercise.

Trishulasana or The Trident Pose

This is a goooood hamstring stretch. It goes like this: perform the pose from the image and raise a leg. Then, alternate to the other leg, you’ll feel the burn in your hamstring. Hold this position for a few seconds before you switch legs. This is a perfect exercise to do before or after a leg day…

Workout song of the day: Praise The Lord (Da Shine) (feat. Skepta) by A$AP Rocky  

‘’I take what’s mine, then take some more’’, That’s the spirit! Take what’s yours, create your dynasty and take some more! Don’t limit yourself in your goals and your achievements, always aim higher. Blast this song, this amazing song if we can say so, and remember to keep the fire inside you burning till you get what’s yours, and take some more!

Discovery Feed

Welcome to the Discovery Feed, a great way to discover new content creators and sources of inspiration. Each day, we manually select posts from content creators that we think deserve everyone's attention and could serve as good examples for you all. Feel free to follow these beasts and make sure to let them know who brought you to them by mentioning our twitter(@GymBronline) in their comments. 

That will be all from us! We hope you enjoyed today's newsletter and that you're one step closer to reaching your goals! Until next time, remember: 

Everyone needs a Gym-Bro.

The Locker Room

Welcome to the Locker Room, a safe space for Gym-Bros to interact with each other and to share their ideas. You can use this space to give a review of today's issue, make some suggestions, or even leave a comment for your fellow Gym-Bros which can be displayed in a future newsletter. Remember to be respectful towards everyone!

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